Saturday 29 January 2011


Ok so i gave up on blogging for quite a while because i have been so busy.
I'll try and start again!
Im so excited, had my first day of the academy and it was amazing.
Now i need to get a friggin job to fund my $1000's of dollars im spending on makeup alone.

whether to spend $500 on my basics makeup kit and $500 on mac/other brands
or to go out and spend $1000 straight on my pro makeup kit.
Im thinking the basics kit tbh. Then i can get more makeup of my own style such as latex and scarring waxes!

Wednesday 19 January 2011

i can happily say i'm not taking you for granted anymore.

i miss things.

I know everybody looks back every once in a while and thinks they miss things.
But i miss different things, it's wierd being away.
I never thought i'd say it but i miss winter. I miss it snowing outside and snuggling up in a cosy bed with you, watching a film im not even following, just thinking about the moment. And it was perfect.

Thursday 9 December 2010


i want your american flag shorts :(


TADAAAA, i found marmite in oz!
But it's called our-mite.. how strange.

Wednesday 8 December 2010


say no more.

++ he's in australia!

Thursday 2 December 2010

to sell or not to sell

my beloved iphone4 sold on ebay for 850 dollars. i could back out.. but i need christmas money. Desperate times call for desperate measures